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Right on Board - attend a course or ask for a program to suit your needs

Look out for an opportunity to attend Purpose at Work’s popular Right on Board program, which helps Boards and Executive Teams govern and manage for human rights, quality and safeguarding.

Right on Board: Practice Governance for Disability Service Providers is a structured program for Board and Executive Team members and delivered by Purpose at Work experts Alan Hough, Alex Carbonetti, Gilbert Kruidenier or John McKenna.

It consists of three 2-hour online workshops or a full day in person. Workshops cover human rights responsibilities and strong risk management and governance of quality and safeguarding in the context of the Disability Royal Commission findings and government reporting and audit requirements. ‘Full-on but brilliant’ is how one participant described the program which consists of:

Workshop part 1: Understanding rights and responsibilities

Workshop part 2: Understanding risks and how they should be addressed

Workshop part 3: Knowing what is going on and embedding learning and action

For public courses, all bookings are made through the National Disability Services website. Go to Events & Training, Scheduled Training and look for Right on Board.

Or get in touch to find out more about in-house courses.


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